Download Phoenix Miner 5.3b - AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner
File: *
,SHA256: a9aa4d58ae6839b7ae4bbba2ee72977b21d6c75d10da4a83dcf01592e9085a6d
(Download for Linux)
The new PhoenixMiner beta version with ETCHash support is ready.
You can download PhoenixMiner 5.3b from here:
Inside the archive you will find a file README.txt with installation instructions.
The new features in this release are:
Added support for the new ETCHash
algorithm that will be used by the ETC blockchain from Nov 28, 2020. If you want to mine ETC, you should add -coin etc
to your command-line, or, COIN: etc
to your epools.txt file. See the start_miner_etc.bat
and epools_example.txt
files for examples
Here is a full command-line example for mining ETC (IMPORTANT:
replace the ETC address with your own ETC wallet address in the -wal option, Rig001 is the name of the rig):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool ssl:// -wal 0x6481c50D9df43314e660716F6dB58f04de71ae0e.Rig001 -coin etc
Here are a couple of epools.txt lines for ETC mining:
POOL: ssl://, WAL: 0x6481c50D9df43314e660716F6dB58f04de71ae0e.Rig001, COIN: etc
POOL:, WAL: 0x6481c50D9df43314e660716F6dB58f04de71ae0e.Rig001, COIN: etc
If you do not intend to mine Ethereum Classic (ETC) you can stay on PhoenixMiner 5.2e for now because there are no other significant changes besides the support for ETCHash.
Happy Mining!